June 2, 2022
Dear Parents, Guardians and Caregivers,
All District-issued devices must be returned to schools at the end of the school year so they can be updated and prepared for use during the 2022-2023 school year. Please review the important device return information below with your student.
- Each student should return their:
- Laptop and/or iPad
- Device Charger
- Laptop Case
Missing devices or components will be charged to families as follows:
- Laptop $400.00
- Charging Cord $40.00
Laptop Case $20.00
- Remove all stickers from devices
- Device return will take place at your student’s school, during the school day, according to the following schedule below.
Grades K-4
Devices for students in grades K-4 are stored at school and therefore there is no action required for these families.
Grades 5-6
Laptops, charging cords and cases will be collected from all students on June 10, 2022
Grades 7-8
Laptops, charging cords and cases will be collected from all students on June 15, 2022
Grades 9-11
Laptops, charging cords and cases will be collected from all students on June 16, 2022
Extended School Year Students and students with a designated Assistive Technology Device
Devices, charging cords and cases will be collected from all students by one of their teachers and stored separately so that they can be reissued the same device for the extended school year and the start of the following year.
- Student devices for use during the 22/23 school year will be issued at the start of the new school year.
If your student’s device is damaged, missing or if you have any other questions, please contact the school office.
Southwick-Tolland-Granville Regional School District