August 26, 2021
Dear Families,
Yesterday afternoon the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Commissioner Jeffrey Riley released updated mask requirements for the reopening of schools for the 21/22 school year. The following COVID-19 protocols will be effective immediately for the Southwick-Tolland Granville Regional School District:
All students (age 5 and above) and staff in all grades are required to wear masks indoors in schools, except as noted below. Masks are not required when outdoors.
The mask requirement applies when students and staff are indoors at school, except when eating, drinking, or during mask breaks. Masks are not necessary outdoors and may be removed while eating indoors.
All visitors are expected to wear a mask in school buildings.
The mask requirement will be in place until at least October 1, 2021. The Commissioner will revisit the requirement in the near future to revise it as warranted by public health data.
After October 1, 2021, if a school demonstrates a vaccination rate of 80% or more of students and staff in the school, then vaccinated individuals in that school would no longer be subject to the DESE mask requirement. More information to come.
By federal public health order, masks are required on all school buses.
Previously implemented COVID-19 mitigation strategies will continue.
Staff and students/parents will be required to self-screening for COVID-19 symptoms daily and staying home when they are sick.
Frequent hand washing and hand sanitizer will be encouraged.
Student cohorting will take place when feasible.
Physical distancing requirements have been lifted, but STGRSD will implement physical distancing to the extent possible.
We will continue to notify families as COVID-19 protocols are updated.
I look forward to seeing all students in grades 1-12 for the first day of school next week: September 1, 2021.
Jennifer C. Willard
Superintendent of Schools
Click here to read the full press release from the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.