School Nutrition

STGRSD School Nutrition Department

Kathleen Keady
Director of School Nutrition 
[email protected]

School Breakfast

Please click HERE to view the breakfast menu.

  • Hot meals are offered (effective 9/11/2023) only in the cafeteria as an alternate to the cold grab & go food in the hallway.
    Hot meals will include milk and fruit, which can be saved for snack if students wish, or shared.
  • Students will need to come to the cafeteria when they arrive, before they go to class.
    Teachers will not need to bring students to the cafeteria later.
  • Students may get a hot meal OR a cold bagged meal, for free (one per meal time).
    If students want a second meal, it will cost them money.  Students who get two meals will be charged. 
    Teachers will record the hot meals (or have students record them) when they have either a hot or a cold meal.

School Lunch Menus

(click school name below to view the menu for the school year )

How to use the Menu:
Look up the date on the calendar on the right and find the corresponding color on the menu...  It’s that easy!

Southwick Regional School Menu
Powder Mill School Menu
Woodland School Menu

EFDA Unpaid Meal Charge Policy

School Meals for the 23/24 School Year

As of the 2023/2024 school year, free school meals are available to all Massachusetts students.

What does this mean for STGRSD?
All STGRSD students will be eligible to receive one free breakfast and one free lunch every day.

What about second meals, chips, cookies or extra milk?
Students will be required to pay for second meals and a la carte items like extra milk, cookies and chips. Payment for these items must be made using the funds on the student’s School Café account.

Second Lunch: $4.25
Second Breakfast: $2.50

How do I check my child’s School Café account balance and add funds?
To check your child’s School Café account balance or to add funds with credit card, visit the website:
Funds can also be added by check. Make your check payable to STGRSD School Nutrition. Be sure to include your child’s first and last name in the memo of the check. Checks can be mailed or delivered to the school office.

Do students need a PIN number, even for free meals?
For tracking purposes, students will need to enter their lunch PIN number at the check-out when they receive any free meals or if they purchase additional items. School staff will have PIN information available for students on the first day of school.


Massachusetts Free or Reduced Price School Meals:

Even though meals will be free for all, it is very important for families to still complete the household Application for Free and Reduced Price Meals for next school year.

Information received from those applications will be used to determine grants and other funding that the District is eligible for.

We ask anyone who has not completed the benefits application to please do so through

Every family is encouraged to apply online through our School Café app.

Family Application


Annual News Release - Public Announcement

The Southwick-Tolland-Granville Regional School District is happy to announce its policy for determining free and reduced price meals served under the National School Lunch Program. 
Click Here for More Information



school cafe

SchoolCafe helps parents manage school meal accounts safely and easily! 

Quickly and securely add money to your students school meal account using your credit card or debit card. Receive notifications for low balances and messages. View recent cafeteria purchases and check current meal account balances for each student.

For more information on using SchoolCafe,
 or to download the SchoolCafe App, 
visit their website or click one of the links below.

SchoolCafe Parent Online Quick Guide

How to video on making a payment using SchoolCafe

How to video for applying for benefits using SchoolCafe





Southwick-Tolland-Granville Regional School District