DESE to Lift Mask Mandate
February 9, 2022
Dear STGRSD Families,
Today, Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) Commissioner Riley announced that the “the statewide mask requirement for K-12 schools will be lifted on February 28.” Under this new guidance, effective February 28, 2022, masking in schools will no longer be a State requirement but instead will be a local choice, determined by school committee decision. The Southwick-Tolland-Granville Regional School Committee is scheduled to discuss this matter and take official action at their upcoming meeting on Tuesday, February 15, 2022.
Following Tuesday’s meeting, the district administrative team will evaluate the impact of the School Committee’s decisions and will notify families of any resulting changes to COVID-19 protocols for the district.
To read Commissioner Riley’s full press release, visit the link:
Superintendent Willard