March 23, 2021
The Southwick-Tolland-Granville Regional School District is accepting bids for the purchase of used school transportation vehicles. The District has determined the vehicles described in the attached Exhibit A to be surplus property. For the benefit of prospective bidders, estimated vehicle values have been provided. The vehicles are being sold “as is” and may or may not be operable without maintenance or repair. The vehicles are available for inspection at the District’s bus parking lot by appointment only. Persons wishing to inspect the vehicles should contact Stephen Presnal, Director of Finance & Operations and Chief Procurement Officer at 413- 569-5391 or [email protected] to arrange a visit no later than April 5, 2021.
Bids are due by 10:00 AM on Thursday, April 8, 2021 at which time the bids will be publicly opened via a Zoom remote video session.
Bidders may submit bids for individual or multiple vehicles. The successful bidder(s) will be determined by the highest price offered per vehicle. Bids must be submitted on the official bid form and delivered in a sealed envelope marked “Surplus Vehicles Bid” to the Superintendent of Schools Office, 86 Powder Mill Road, Southwick, MA 01077.
Click here to download a Bid Form.
Bidders will be required to execute a Certificate of Non-collusion, also available from the Superintendent of Schools Office. The District reserves the right to reject any or all bids as may be in the interest of the District. Payment is due prior to taking possession of the vehicle(s). The successful bidder(s) shall be responsible for taking possession of the vehicle(s) at the District’s facility no later than 12:00 PM Friday, April 16, 2021 at which time the vehicle title will be transferred to the purchaser.
Please direct questions to Stephen Presnal, Director of Finance & Operations/CPO at 413-569-5391 or [email protected].
Click Here for a Listing of Vehicles Available for Sale
Zoom remote video session information:
When: Apr 8, 2021 10:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Topic: Sale of Surplus Property
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Passcode: gHgF07
Webinar ID: 859 0366 4870
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Webinar ID: 859 0366 4870
Passcode: 853840
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