September 16, 2021
Dear STGRSD Families,
This year, the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education provided an Acceleration Roadmap for Districts to use and it is designed to provide a focused and phased approach to supporting students as they begin the 2021-2022 school year, a year that will lay the foundation for accelerated learning over the next several years. The roadmap is organized around three overarching priorities, which are grounded in research and were developed through extensive stakeholder feedback. These priorities are to:
1. Foster a sense of belonging and partnership among students and families.
2. Continuously monitor students’ understanding,
3. Ensure strong grade-appropriate instruction with just-in-time scaffolds when they are needed.
The great news for STGRSD is that we have already begun using the “accelerated approach to learning” which we have referred as "just in time teaching". In August of 2020, district teachers began receiving professional development around "just in time teaching" and have been implementing it since the start of the 2020-2021 school year. Acceleration or "just in time teaching" refers to giving our students just the right amount of help or support to move forward with grade level content by weaving in the prerequisite skills to make them successful with that grade level content. We know not everyone will need the same supports to access the content; therefore, it is our responsibility to identify what students need and to ensure they get the supports required to succeed.
As part of the Acceleration Roadmap, we are asking parents to please complete the Learning Acceleration Survey. The purpose of the Learning Acceleration Survey is to collect your feedback so that our school and district leaders can understand and respond to what is happening in classrooms, schools, and across our district this fall and identify next steps under each priority.
Your responses are completely anonymous and will be combined with other responses to help us understand what is happening in our community right now.
Please use the link below to complete one survey per student by October 1, 2021.
For more information about the Learning Acceleration Roadmap, visit the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education's website:
Jennifer Willard
Superintendent of Schools