February 5, 2021
Dear STGRSD Students and Parents/Guardians,
The District Safety Committee met today to review COVID-19 data in our community and discussed the possibility of reopening our schools for in-person learning for the coming week. After thorough review of the data, I am pleased to notify you that ALL students enrolled in the Hybrid/In-Person Learning Continuum, grades PreK-12, will return to in-person/hybrid learning effective February 8, 2021 (students enrolled in the STGRSD Online Full Remote Learning will remain fully remote through the end of the school year).
Because the State metrics have Southwick in “Red” and Hampden County over 5%, ONE positive case of a student or staff member in an in-person cohort will necessitate a pivot to full-remote learning for their building.
**If any positive cases are reported over the weekend that result in any school closure, we will notify families immediately.***
The return to in-person/hybrid learning for Southwick Regional School (7-12) will also allow our athletic teams to begin practicing.
We are excited for the opportunity for all students in our hybrid/in-person program to return to in-person instruction and thank you for your continued flexibility and patience as we strive to return to school in the safest way possible.
Jennifer Willard
Superintendent of Schools