January 4, 2022
Dear STGRSD Families,
The review of Powder Mill School is complete and the building has been cleared by the Southwick Fire Department and Eversource.
Powder Mill School students have safely returned to their classrooms at Powder Mill School.
Thank you to everyone who responded so quickly and to all of the students and staff for their flexibility and cooperation.
Regional School District
January 4, 2022
Dear STGRSD Families,
Powder Mill School students have been temporarily relocated to Woodland and Southwick Regional Schools this morning. There is an issue with a gas main that is being investigated by the Southwick Fire Department and due to the cold temperatures students have been relocated to the other schools so they are not waiting outside. When the Fire Department review is complete and the building is cleared, students will return to Powder Mill School.
All students are safe and there is no cause for alarm.
We will update families with any changes.
Thank you,
Southwick-Tolland-Granville Regional School District