The "Southwick-Tolland-Granville Regional Agreement" is the document that outlines the relationship between the towns and the school district. Policy Manual The following items contain the current policies of the Southwick-Tolland-Granville Regional School District as established and adopted by the Southwick-Tolland-Granville Regional School Committee. The policies are broken down according to the Code-Finder Index established by the National School Boards Association.
Section A Index: Foundations and Basic Commitments - Policies Section B Index: School Board Governance and Operations - Policies Section C Index: General School Administration- Policies Section D Index: Fiscal Management - Policies Section E Index: Support Services - Policies Section F Index: Facilities Planning and Development - Policies Section G Index: Personnel - Policies Section H Index: Negotiations - Policies Section I Index: Instruction - Policies Section J Index: Students - Policies Section K Index: Community Relations - Policies Section L Index: Education Agency Relations - Policies
Bullying Policies and Documents
JICFB Prohibition Against Bullying and Retaliation (English) STGRSD Bullying Prevention and Intervention Plan Incident Reporting Form Common Mistakes to Avoid When Your Child is the Bully or the Target Understanding Cyberbullying and Social Networking What To Do If Your Child is Being Bullied
Substance Use Prevention and Education Policies
JICH Alcohol, Tobacco, and Drug Use by Students Prohibited IHAMB Teaching about Alcohol, Tobacco and Drugs
Wellness Policy and Procedures
JLCA-1 Student Nutrition and Wellness Southwick-Tolland-Granville RSD Food Allergy Procedure Wellness Brochure
IJND Access to Digital Resources IJNDB Empowered Digital Use Policy IJNDD Policy on Social Media Empowered Digital Use Form, Grades K-2 Empowered Digital Use Form, Grades 3-12
Community Use of Facilities
KF Community Use of School Facilities Work Permit Application School Choice Application