COVID-19 Vaccine Interest Survey

COVID-19 Vaccine Interest Survey

May 27, 2021

Dear STGRSD Community,

We have the opportunity, in conjunction with the Southwick Board of Health, to hold a COVID-19 vaccination clinic for all STGRSD families, including students who are at least 12-years-old. Parental consent would be required for anyone under the age of 18.

Before we can schedule the clinic, we need to gauge interest level and we are asking families to please complete a brief survey, linked below.
Completion of this survey and participation in a vaccine clinic is voluntary.  The survey will close at the end of the day on June 1, 2021.

Only if we have enough community interest will a clinic be scheduled and additional information would be provided for signing up. 

We appreciate you taking the time to complete the survey. Once the results are received we will let families know if a clinic will be planned.

Jennifer Willard
Superintendent of Schools

STGRSD COVID-19 Vaccine Interest Survey Link
Survey closes the end of the day June 1, 2021

Southwick-Tolland-Granville Regional School District