Vocational Transportation

Students with approved Chapter 74 attendance at Westfield Technical Academy or Smith Vocational and Agricultural High School are eligible for transportation from the District's transportation provider, Lower Pioneer Valley Educational Collaborative (LPVEC).  LPVEC will contact enrolled Westfield Technical Academy and Smith Vocational and Agricultural High School students to confirm transportation. 

Please direct all transportation-related questions to:  [email protected] or [email protected] or contact LPVEC at 413-789-3291.

Westfield Technical Academy Transportation Frequently Asked Questions 

Where will my child’s bus stop be?
Bus stops are assigned based on the in-district addresses identified on the transportation form. The A.M. bus stop does not have to be the same as the P.M. bus stop, but each bus stop must remain the same Monday through Friday. 

For divorced parents, both living within the boundaries of the school district and having joint legal custody of their children, please contact the Transportation Department for information on making whole year, alternative arrangements.

Will my child have a bus transfer?
WTA students do have transfers that take place at Powder Mill School large parking/training lot in the morning and Southwick Regional School in the afternoon. 


What if school is running on an alternative schedule? 

Half-Days for WTA or STGRSD

Transportation will follow the half-day schedule.

STGRSD Schools closed

No transportation. The Transportation Department is also closed, even if WTA is open.

Westfield Schools Closed

No transportation.

STGRSD has a 2-hour delay

Transportation will run on a two-hour delay schedule.

STGRSD open at regular time but Westfield Schools have 2-hour delay


i.e., the WTA bus is at Powder Mill large parking/training lot for 9:45 a.m.


When will I receive bus assignment information for the school year?
Students attending Westfield Technical Academy or Smith Vocational and Agricultural High School will receive information from LPVEC about their assigned route in August.

Should you have any further questions, please contact the Southwick-Tolland-Granville Regional School District’s transportation provider, LPVEC, at 413-789-3291. 

Southwick-Tolland-Granville Regional School District