Continuous Learning

Continuous Learning Resources

To provide student resources which are intended to enrich and review for the purpose of keeping students' minds fresh while they are away from school, the District has compiled the resources linked in the documents below. The intent of these activities is not to carry on regular instruction remotely. Our goal is to provide enriching resources to help structure students’ days at home by suggesting a list of engaging activities. None of this work will be a part of an assessment of students’ understanding and no new content is introduced through the activities.

If your child is unable to access the digital resources please call your school's office.

Preschool / Elementary Learning Resources

Preschool Learning Resources 

PreK-2 Learning Resources 

3-6 Learning Resources

Quick Links:

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Secondary Learning Resources

7-12 Learning Resources updated daily

7&8 PE Activities

Additional Resources

Additional Free Resources - updated daily

E-Learning for English Learners

Talking to Kids about the Coronavirus Resources on Coronavirus

Strategies for Keeping Kids Happy and Learning During Coronavirus

Southwick-Tolland-Granville Regional School District